Fall 2020

Starting Saturday, July 11, 2020

Schedule coming out soon !!

General Guidelines

  1. Well-being of the entire cricket community is the priority of HCCL.

  2. General hygiene practices – regular and thorough washing of hands with soap and sanitizing with an alcohol-based hand-rub, refraining from touching your eyes, nose and mouth and good respiratory hygiene such as coughing or sneezing into your bent elbow etc.

Off Field Restrictions

  1. Minimal use of communal facilities before and after the match, social distancing to be maintained at all times. A ‘ready to play’ approach should be adopted.

  2. Discourage sharing of all equipment where possible. If it is required ensure equipment is cleaned appropriately.

  3. All the non-playing members and playing members present, social distancing should be maintained. We suggest to wear a mask whenever possible.

  4. Players should not share the phones to do online scoring. Make sure backup players are available to score from their own phone.

  5. Every player should carry their own hand sanitizer (60% alcohol) both on and off field

  6. Use of chewing gum is strictly prohibited (both on and off field)

  7. Act of spitting is strictly prohibited (both on and off field)

  8. Each player should be responsible for their own items; They should carry their own water bottle, cap, snacks, batting/keeping gloves, sunglasses, towels, umbrellas, abdomen guard, any other cricket gear and personal belongings

  9. We highly recommend for players to bring their personal cricket gear

  10. Any activities like stretches, exercise, batting/catching practice should be done with social distancing. All the players are allowed to nitrate/latex gloves.

On Field Restrictions

  1. On-field behavior that includes celebrations with body contact, and shared use of drink bottles, towels and equipment should be strongly discouraged

  2. Players should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own items (sunglasses, cap, towels, etc.) and instructed against handing over any items to umpires or teammates

  3. Handling the ball

    1. Regular hand sanitizing when in contact with the ball

    2. Do not touch eyes, nose, and mouth after making contact with the ball

    3. Umpires should wear gloves and mask

  4. Consideration should also be given to maintain social distancing during field positioning

  5. Reduce body contact between players as much as possible, during games